Download Instructions
To access the training material you’ll need a .zip unarchiver, an MP3 player, and a PDF reader. Most computers already have the software you need pre-installed. But if yours does not, some options are provided in the Tools Section below.
To download material:
- Right click the link and select “Save Link As…”
- Select your desktop or other folder where you want to save the file and click “Save”
- Double click the .zip file
- In the dialog box, click the “Extract” button
- Select the folder where you want to save the file and click “Extract”
ZIP Unarchiver
Mac users: Unarchiver and Stuffit Expander and WinZip for Mac are free applications for OSX.
PC users: 7-ZipM is a widely used free program. Other popular versions of this software type are WinRar and WinZip.
MP3 Player
Mac Users: It’s highly unlikely that you’d be unable to play an MP3 on a MAC, but… Here are some cool alternatives for you to consider: best free music players for OSX
PC Users: Same goes for PC audio – unless you’re running an IBM PET, you probably have this already. Some cool alternatives: Alternative MP3 players for PC
PDF Reader
Mac Users: If you don’t have it installed, you’ll need Adobe Reader.
PC Users: Adobe makes a version of Adobe Reader for PC as well.