Episode 73 – Akashic Records: The Shared Mind of the Planet
The Shared Mind of The Planet
The Akashic Records is the collective memory of the planet. It is similar to how your brain will record your experiences and convert them into memories. The database records everything that has happened on Earth and stores it all in one place, kind of like on a hard drive. Difficult to wrap your mind around? Don’t worry, Eric will clarify exactly what they are, and dispel some of the myths he’s heard over the years.
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Handbook of the Navigator is about you. It's the manual for how your soul operates in this reality and the driving force that compells you to question your existence. In the background of your awareness, a silent force pulls at you to seek out and find the truth, by any means possible. There is a reason you have been looking for better answers and direct, first-hand experiences that validate those answers.
There is a purpose behind why so many people feel such a strong inclination to pursue a spiritual awakening while others have no interest whatsoever. Handbook of the Navigator is a cutting-edge exploration into the nature of spiritual develipment, complete with reflections, techniques, and meditations designed to give you a bulletproof foundation for extraordinary experiences.

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