Episode 34 – Dreamscapes

Episode 34 Dreamscapes

Yoga For The Mind

In this episode, we discuss Dreamscapes, a powerful method for relaxing the physical body and entering an altered state of consciousness. Then, Eric speaks about the need for spiritual seekers to step out of the shadows and make their presence known.


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In this show we cover: 

    • What is a Dreamscape and what is it designed to do? [1:40]
    • How to approach Dreamscapes for the best results [10:00]
    • How to avoid allowing your mind and babbler to take over the Dreamscape [23:50]
    • Using Dreamscapes to maintain flexibility of the mind [32:00]
    • Recommended practice scheduled for Dreamscapes and how to integrate them with your current meditation practice [33:50]


Dreamscapes [Click to see more...]

Nick: What are the Dreamscapes? Can you give a brief overview of what they’re designed to do? [1:39]

Eric: Dreamscapes are designed to work with your conscious and subconscious mind. The idea is to get your mind to become more limber, more visual, more detail-oriented, more involved in the sense that you’re directing the action versus the dream that’s directing itself in a way. In your dream, you’re interacting but you’re not necessarily aware of what you’re doing, or maybe not fully. You are partaking in whatever it’s presenting you.   In this particular case, we’re presenting something that will become as vivid, if not more vivid, than your dreams. The only difference is that you are conscious and you are knowingly moving through scenarios that are designed to technically train you or teach you to evolve your sixth sensory and your spiritual consciousness.

Nick: A Dreamscape is not a meditation? [2:38]

Eric: No, Dreamscape is not a meditation. It should not be considered a meditation, it should be considered more of a training session than anything else. It’s teaching you and training you and working with you to allow your mind to develop regions that will contribute to you in your day-to-day life on a psychic level if you will.

Nick: One of the things that we get from participants is that they’re shocked with the music. I think they’re a little bit surprised with the fact that there are maybe some moments in the Dreamscape that seem not necessarily dark, but— [3:00]

Eric: They’re dark. Let’s call it what it is.

Jesse: In some of the Dreamscapes, yeah.

Eric: Yeah, not all. Look, this is what I keep saying. Nothing necessarily works the way that you think it’s going to work. If it did, you really wouldn’t be challenged to learn anything from it. Number two is that if you think about life in general and the development of civilization and cultures, I always go back to the island. There’s an island ten-thousand years ago. There are people on this island. They’re basically walking around naked because it’s perfect sunshine. It’s always 82 degrees out, every day. It’s 75 degrees at night, every day. It rains briefly for one hour, every day, at the same time, gently. There’s always a nice, soft tropical breeze but it’s never too strong, never too hot. It’s perfect. There are never storms. There is never bad weather. There is never anything that challenges them. The fruit just falls from the tree. The fish jump out of the ocean into their lap to eat. They’ve got an abundance of food.   Move forward thousands of years. Has this civilization, these people, evolved at all? The answer is unlikely. If so, not by much. Now, why is that? Because there’s complacency. There’s nothing challenging them to grow or to adapt to advance themselves to think. We think when we are challenged with survival modes, usually the best. As soon as there’s a storm and it traumatizes them for an entire night or let’s say a few days like a hurricane, you better believe that there are going to be those in that tribe that are thinking, “How do we create structures to protect us from the gale winds and from this hardcore rain?” What if there’s a lack of food? Now, they’re all hungry because all of the fruit trees got destroyed and the fish swam away from the bad stormy water. Now, they’re thinking, “We need to have ways to farm fish and farm vegetables and food. We want that security.” They’re thinking.   You bring in there what we’ll call “dark circumstances,” “challenging circumstances,” and then you overlook the evolution of that race or those people or that whatever and you’re going to find that they’re driving around in cars and they’re having airplanes and everything else, X amount of time into the future. It’s with a sense of crisis or urgency or a need to adapt to a situation that we think. If we’re not given anything to challenge us, it’s rare that we want to seek to improve ourselves or advance something until the need arises. If there’s no need, there’s usually not any momentum.   Why are there dark moments in a Dreamscape? The dark moments are so that you can invoke the part of you that is the warrior, the fighter, the conqueror, the one that faces something that’s terrifying so that you learn inside of you that you have this warrior in you. One of the best ways to bring that warrior out is when it’s confronted in circumstances that you need to deal with something or whatnot. You’re really learning about yourself. It’s empowering you because when you find this part of you and you’ve exercised it like at a gym, you’re just doing it through mental training. In life, you’re familiar with that strength now. When you’re dealt a situation or a hand that’s negative, you’re actually able to invoke that same presence in you to deal with that situation. On a psychic or spiritual level, you’re, in a sense, awakening or shaking the sleeping warrior to awaken, to come out of that sleep. You have that confrontation. Every Dreamscape ends in a win-win for that person. It’s designed to train you to get familiar with these different aspects of your own true deeper identity that most people aren’t even aware exists. They just expect it.

Nick: Right. Do you find that people in their day to day life tend to avoid conflict and this is a way to kind of— [7:00]

Eric: I think there are different kinds of people. Our people, in general, are grouped as spiritualists. On the same token, I think that there are different variations of spiritual. I think are spiritual who don’t want confrontation. They want just “passive, island life,” we’ll call it. Then, there are those of us who I think are attracted to what I teach and I call them warriors. There’s this real sense of inner strength that says that you want to confront the opposing forces that would seek to control or harm life. Until you know what you have in you to invoke and how that is done and to get familiar and comfortable with it and feel the strength of that to encourage you and to make you feel stronger, this is the route you need to travel.

Jesse: I just wanted to, on that note, say that the Dreamscape: The Leap, which is one that you created for overcoming those obstacles. I think, specifically, it was geared for that. I remember doing it a few times, years and years ago. I can remember specific instances since that time where I just know that it did that, it had that effect. It engrained in my subconscious something to be like “fight or flight,” push forward. [7:56]

Eric: You’re not familiar with that. Most White Cells, most spiritual people—not all, but many—are what I call socially non-functional in the sense of other people. We tend to shun other people. We like our privacy. We like our quiet. There are certain aspects that don’t really evolve well in a White Cell that really need to be encouraged so that they really start taking the power in their life. This, in a very unusual and unique way, definitely delivers that. If one has psychologically got insecurities, if one has a stutter or one is someone who is socially awkward, it really advances those people significantly through this kind of training.   As I’ve often said before, there are three basketball teams. This is not something I’m making up. One sits on the bench, the other team plays, and the third team does mental exercises only on it. When they test all three, the one who sat at the bench after two months does crappy. The one that practiced every day does great. The one who does equally well without physically playing the game and then goes to play the game is the one who mentally did it. They break even with the one that practiced every day. The mind doesn’t necessarily have a way to discern what you really do and what you don’t do. It learns information, it adapts, it deals with situations presented to it in an intellectual, mental way just like you would in life. It comes to circumstances as to how it overcomes that or survives through it. It uses that experience to navigate life.

Nick: I think that one of the things that I like that you’re talking about is that it seems like you’re bringing in the White Cell, the Navigator, really developing the “real you,” I guess you could say, rather than just saying, “Okay, we’re going to alleviate maybe some stresses and alleviate these other things. We’re trying to have these big, flashy images,” which do occur in the Dreamscapes and we’ll get into those a little bit more. I’m just curious on your thoughts of something that maybe you haven’t talked about with the Dreamscapes and how people can use them to kind of develop more of this warrior feeling within them or your aspects of them? [10:00]

Eric: If you look at yourself in your life’s journey and you look at the person that you are at this very moment and you ask yourself, “How did you become the person you are,” it’s based on all the good and all the bad that you’ve experienced. It’s all the circumstances you’ve encountered, both bitter and sweet. It’s through those that you’ve gained wisdom and experience that you draw from to help navigate the future that you’re approaching. When you can be given a training scenario that allows you to deal with a paranormal, metaphysical, spiritual, or sociological level and it does all of them, that is just as equally bonified as experience and skill development, both psychically and sociologically and mentally that you benefit from. You advance your intellect. You grow as a person remarkably that other people take notice who know you. In itself, that is a significant and important training in it.

Nick: One of the questions that I had from my own experiences—and please tell me if I’m wrong in kind of using a certain analogy but would it be fair to say that the Dreamscapes are, in a way, an interactive simulated reality or virtual reality game, meaning that there’s a program which is the Dreamscape, but within the program you’re able to interact with it in certain ways? [11:42]

Eric: I don’t know how anybody new to HBI is going to walk away understanding what you just spewed out. Let’s be honest. Let me try to simplify what you just said. Let’s assume that people like Elon Musk and various scientists are right in the idea that we likely live in a simulated reality, which I go into extensively and would probably agree with to a certain level. Hence, the statement that a master who has been meditating for awhile says, “Reality is but an illusion.” What is an illusion? When you really break it down microscopically, you say, “It’s really a program.” It’s something complexly running all of this, this imagery, this reality, this sensation, this stuff.   Having said that, when you go into a Dreamscape, you are generating through your brain, through the data being presented to you audibly, a model that in anyways, as you go deeper into it, is almost indistinguishable from what we consider reality. Yes, you’re going into a virtual reality that your brain is designing and building.

Nick: To add to that part of interacting with it—and I’ll use an experience as an example—in the original Dreamscape, the very first one, there’s a spot where you’re talking about being in the desert and I can’t necessarily recall the details but there’s the openness, the sand, the wind. You paint the picture very well but there’s this moment where I had, intuitively, a feeling that, “Okay, I’m going to reach into the sand and within the sand, there’s going to be something.” You don’t say to do that but there’s an intuitive interaction with it. By doing that, I reached in—or imagined myself reaching in—and then with it, it was like I pulled out something that wasn’t necessarily there. It was—I’m trying to think in words but…I’d then had an image of something I’d never seen in this life before. Something was presented to me that wouldn’t have otherwise been presented. How does the mind, the Navigator, maybe slipstream certain ideas or thoughts or I guess you could say frequencies into the— [13:20]

Eric: Each Dreamscape was designed specifically by me to do certain things. It’s never just one thing, it’s multiple. In that particular case, what I would suggest is that there are things in your deeper psyche that are recessed. When you find something by scooping into the sand and you’re feeling the sand, you’re feeling the weight, the coolness of it, the structure of what you’re touching with your fingertips and drawing it out, feeling the pull of the sand as you’re pulling it apart. That, whatever you pull out, is important to your psyche awakening. It’s trying to say to you, in a subconscious way, “Here is a piece of who you are or something that belonged to you at one time.”   The problem is by me presenting this now, the part of your brain that makes up BS, the imitation now wants to interject because everybody wants to be a king. Everybody wants to be the knight. Everybody wants to be something special. This is why you hear about all these people in reincarnation. They’re always King George III or somebody important and I’m just like, “Give me a break.” There are reasons why one doesn’t really elaborate on a lot of the things because the less you know, the greater the benefit.   Now, you can say that there are tools. There’s another part of your consciousness—Let me come at this differently. Let’s use the simulated reality. Let’s assume we exist in a simulated reality and that you are you, Jesse is him, I am me. Let’s say that if we are genuinely real that somewhere, our consciousness is originating somewhere beyond the confines by which we’re sitting in this room. We are a true existence existing, whether it be organically or as energy or as some computer thing created, it’s existing as we understand it, somewhere in the distance like you could walk ten miles or a thousand miles or a million miles and there we are. It’s projecting the space. It doesn’t quite work that way but do you understand?   One is: Why are you here? Well, there must have been something very valuable that, if you were in charge, you wanted to come here and be here. That’s one. Number two is: if you were trying to awaken, which every single White Cell is, we refer to that but nobody really understands what that means. “Oh, I awaken! What? I know who I am? Why do I even feel the need to know who I am? I know who I am! I look in the mirror, I hear myself talk. No, it isn’t real. We know this intuitively. What is it that we’re trying to do?   Something most likely is trying in a deep somewhere to communicate with you the person in the dream acting, thinking that everything is real like if you were in a dream within a dream. Having said that, when you find an object or your find circumstances that are not within the realms, it’s usually you planning something to escalate your own awakening or your own progress and your own development, your own personal training, whatever it is you’re here to do. It’s trying to accelerate that process.

Nick: With that being said, do you recommend that people, when they have these sort of experiences or maybe just something emotionally comes up that needs to be released, do you recommend that they go back and then meditate on these specific occurrences? [17:47]

Eric: Well, you’re going to reflect on them but the problem is that it’s just like a dream. The back draw is that you forget them rather quickly. You might say, “Oh my god, I had the most beautiful experience! It felt incredible! I’m so uplifted and inspired by that,” that it lasts for a few days. Now, you’ve got to go back and there might be a whole new level or layer that’s going to be revealed to you. Then, another layer. Do you understand? Eventually, you build up an immunity or your mind builds up an immunity through practice because the Doe, the reality we live in, doesn’t want you to exceed at such a fast pace for your consciousness to advance.

Nick: That was one of the other questions that we had on here. How much is the brain’s interpretation or how quickly does it adapt to what it is that you’re doing to the point where there isn’t really any truth or authenticity to the experience, that it’s something of imagination? [18:43]

Eric: It is a fluctuating scale and the best way to judge that is when you are doing it, there is a time period where you’re questioning everything. You’re concerned. “Is it safe or not safe? What are the intentions? Does Eric have bad intentions or good intentions?” You’ve got your normal filters up, so your brain is really running most of the show. At some point, you realize, “Okay, you know what, I’m just going to give way to this.” It’s like trying to fall asleep. You’re trying to fall asleep and when you do fall asleep, you don’t realize you did. You don’t realize that all of a sudden, you’re in it. You decide when that’s going to be. Some people stay up all night because they self-reflect too much on whether they’re going to sleep or not and they do a very focused job on it. That’s all brain.   When you check out, it’s subconscious. It’s some part of your brain shutting down to let it auto-pilot. In this particular case, you don’t really shut down because you’re integrated with what’s going on. The difference is that you want to explore what’s being presented. You’re kind of surprised by that. It’s the same thing. You’ve got to allow for your imagination to color what you’re seeing. Work with it, play with it. I’ve had people say to me that they, didn’t even realize you use your imagination and they went into that state. When they realized it, it blew their mind how incredibly vivid and how quickly it happened. In essence, it’s to say that your brain is going to be there but eventually, it stops trying to run the show and you take over on a different level. You don’t know if you’re going to pop in or out. Do you see what I’m saying? You may.   After you’ve done it once, usually it’s the second or third time that actually can be the best time because now you kind of know where you’re going on this journey. You know what’s in there. You know what to expect. Now, what happens is that you’re more relaxed because you know there’s no threat that you don’t know what’s coming on. I think most people who struggle with it are control freaks. I’m a control freak. If you don’t know what’s there, you’re constantly checking in with your surface brain, what we’re talking with, rather than letting yourself flow with it.

Nick: Right. When you talk about the split particle—and I’ll tie this into the Dreamscapes—when you’re observing, when it’s being observed, it acts differently than when it’s not being observed. [21:08]

Eric: Correct! Very good, bravo for you!

Nick: With that being said, I get nervous mentioning experiences to people because I feel like they’re going to have an expectation on what they want, thus they won’t have any experiences. [21:25]

Eric: Very, very true and very smart of you. This is why I don’t elaborate on almost all of my—I hate labeling the classes! I’d rather just say what I’m going to say and catch you by surprise because that’s going to invoke the greatest amount of awakening in you. Once you have an idea of what to expect, you’re controlling already. You’re controlling the volume of what’s being communicated to you because you’re already building up a way of how you want to translate what’s being presented to you. You’re almost becoming your own dictatorship or what they would say in another country: they’re screening the information for you. That’s what you’re doing to yourself so the less that you know, in some cases—This is why they say you’ve got to trust the teacher. If you don’t trust the teacher, don’t bother. If you trust the teacher, work continuously on your trust and let him surprise you because if you can anticipate it, you’re really not going to get much out of it.   What are you learning new out of it? You already knew what happened. That’s the island situation, the only difference is that you know when the storm is going to come so you get up at certain, specific time when there’s just enough time and you go into your shelter. You know a specific time it’s going to end and you get out. There’s no new challenge. You’ve got it all managed. Most people who want spirituality, as soon as you present something to them that challenges their beliefs to chew on, they reject it. They have a pre-designed disposition of what they believe spirituality is going to be. How can you evolve? Where is the Shiva, the destruction, and the growth? Where are you tilling the soil that has sat all year and become hard like a stone? You’ve got to break that ground up and let oxygen and water seep back in there to bring new plant life. By the fact that you say you’re open-minded and something doesn’t fit your desired model of it, your expectation, you’re really your own worst enemy. The unknown of presenting, the only thing you know, is that this is a teaching designed to progress you. I would say, “Don’t judge it in the beginning. Be open to it. Judge it in the end and say, ‘Did it really change me now that I’ve really thought about everything that was presented and considered it?’” Most people won’t even consider it, they just shut it down. “That’s not what I think, that’s not what I believe, that’s not anything.” This is controlled thought.

Nick: For those who tend to have issues with control and/or trying to control the experience, do you have any recommendations on how they can either approach the Dreamscapes a little differently so they can kind of begin to go in the direction you’re talking about? [23:52]

Eric: It’s not easy. Usually, it’s the second or third time. Once you know where you’re going, it’s like being in a car and a stranger is driving you. You don’t know where you’re going. The whole time, you’re on alert. You don’t know who the stranger is. You’re trying to judge them and you’re trying to figure out where they’re going and it’s taking a long time. It’s starting to make you have anxiety but that’s because you’re overthinking it. In most cases, it’s probably good to be that way. Once you get to the destination and you return, the next time that person takes you to the destination, you’re not so alert and concerned with who that person is or where they’re taking you. The amount of information you get now is broader because you’re studying more of the environment. You’re studying different aspect that you hadn’t considered before. You’re learning more. It’s similar to that. The only thing I can say is that you have to just find your own inner trust. You can’t just make yourself trust.

Nick: More control? [25:00]

Eric: It’s more control. The best way is to accept the fact that you’re going to do it on your own terms. It’s always what I say, “right thumb, left thumb.” That’s what decides it. Fold your hands together, palm to palm where your fingers are interlocked and your thumbs are lapped over the other thumb. If your right thumb is over your left, you’re going to have trouble possibly going through having a good session the first time, even the second maybe. If you just move your thumbs only and switch them and the left is going over the right, ten-to-one, you’re going to go under and have a very good experience the first time. It’s not guaranteed, but more than likely. It’s just how certain brains work and there are pros and cons to both. It’s not to say that the left is worse than the right or the right is worse than the left. It’s just how you process information.

Nick: Okay. Do you find that people who do left over right are a little bit more visual, I guess, visually oriented? [25:50]

Eric: They’re more accepting. They’re more—I wouldn’t say more trusting but there is a level to which they’re willing to hear things out and consider them more so versus the right. The right analyzes everything to death. I’m a right over left. I’m just like “Rahh!” I’ve got to pound everything into the ground mentally. That’s the nature of the design of my brain.

Nick: Okay. From my experience, talking to people who have done Dreamscapes and are left over right, they tend to have a very high imagination. They’re very imaginative. [26:20]

Eric: Becuase they’re not blocking it with their brain, teasing everything. How can you—Ask yourself a question: You watch a movie but the person to the right of your right hemisphere of your brain and you’re the left trying to watch it. You want to watch it but the person keeps hitting pause every five minutes to analyze what he just watched. Are you able to get through that movie to appreciate the value of that movie or because you’re always checking in to look at him because he stopped, now you’re looking at the furniture in the living room, you’re looking at the environment and you’re wondering what he’s doing? He’s looking, he’s reviewing it back and forth and then he hits play again. Then, you start in the first three minutes to just start to get back into the story where it’s taking you away and then all of a sudden, he pauses it again versus the other person who has the remove who just hits play and puts it down and just sits there and watches from beginning to end. Who gets more out of the storyline?

Nick: The person who’s left over right, yeah. [27:24]

Eric: That’s kind of the same thing. The more that you check in and out, the harder it is. Yes, the person on the left is able to go deeper and get more because the person on the right is analyzing consistently, on, off, on, off, on, off, checking as he goes. The second time, they’re able to go more but maybe the quality is not going to be as good as the person on the left. That’s where you’ve got two or three times for the right. It’s right from the get-go usually with the left. You’d be blown away.

Nick: People with the left, with their high imagination, they do have the visuals but do you find that sometimes their imagination gets in the way? [27:50]

Eric: Yeah. These are the pros and cons that I just mentioned. The con to that is that their mind can over-supplement and then it’s the same thing but the dream part of the mind kicks in and it starts to overlay with the Dreamscape. Then, you’re inner anxiety, your imagination starts to kick in potentially and it starts to overdo it. This is why, in the Dreamscape—I don’t want to give everything away—why I have the scenes change almost every three minutes. I’m staying one step ahead of the brain wanting to start creating its own generation and interfering with what I’m creating. I’m trying to keep that control with training someone.

Nick: Okay. Now, how can the chest center intelligence play a role in with the Dreamscapes? How do you tell the difference between what’s authentic and what’s the imagination? [28:41]

Eric: This is a whole other level because now you’re juggling. You’ve got to control three objects and not drop any of them and be equally aware of each one at the right time. If your mind is diverted too long, you’re going to fumble. When you’re running with something, the second you check in to see if your chest center is feeling something, you’ve actually just stopped the whole cycle of the juggling. Or, you’ve at least adapted over if you can go back in a quick way, to what’s going on without dropping it. This goes back to the Tones, The Higher Balance Method. This is it if you really think about it.   When you do your one tone, you’re holding it. Then, you find the second and you can hear the first and you can hear the second. The second your mind wanders, you lose the second tone and now you’re just back on the one. By the time you’re up to three—let’s forget four and five—you’re juggling, really, three Tones. You’re actually training yourself to have a very unique three-dimensional or multi-dimensional state of awareness. That’s super ideal. You’re able to manage all those.   The second your mind focuses too much on any one of those, it collapses and you’re back at one or two. When you are trying to become aware of your chest, you want to feel what you feel in your chest. You want to feel this thing in there, this pressure, this sense, this information. You just want to feel that sensation because after a while, you train yourself to identify that sensation. It becomes like words. To somebody, it’s like Helen Keller not knowing what water was, what grass was, until eventually, it kept being repeated in the hand and the switched, repeated. Eventually, they got it. It’s the same thing. You want to repeat enough that you don’t even have to have a word for it because that’s very human. You get a knowing, you start to have a knowing. In essence, you’re basically trying to see if you can maintain three. If you can’t maintain three, then just go with the Dreamscape and not check into the chest. The next time you do it, try to be focused on checking in on the chest because your mind knows where the story goes and that would be my recommendation.

Nick: That’s fantastic, thank you. [31:02]

Jesse: Would you say the Dreamscapes in some ways could be pre-trainings for the Tones? [31:03]

Eric: I think that they’re inter—Anything is going to help the other. Anything helps the other. By doing one, this is what training is all about. It benefits you in so many different ways, it’s mind-blowing. There is a meticulous amount of thought that goes into these things. I think people think I just “schlop” it together. No! Every beat, every sound was really rehearsed over and over until I felt that it was in the right place at the right time.

Jesse: What I’ve noticed also from the Dreamscapes is that if you do it before bedtime, it seems to be the dreams themselves afterward. [31:34]

Eric: Because you’ve exercised your mind, you’re all wound up. Now, you’re going to bed and shutting down the body so the mind wants, it’s all excited.

Jesse: The whole night is Dreamscape! [31:50]

Eric: Yeah, but that’s good! They should be good dreams because Dreamscapes always end on a very positive note.

Nick: Going back to something you mentioned earlier about kind of the flexibility of the mind or how the Dreamscapes are “yoga for the mind,” can you put a little more emphasis on why having a flexible mind is beneficial for people? [32:00]

Eric: It’s to say the same for yoga for the body and then there’s training for martial arts or for mixed martial arts. It’s to say that if you’re not practicing a certain form that goes beyond ordinary life, you will revert to ordinary life. The difference with ordinary life or what we call “the Doe” is that every day, you have to follow that routine. It forces you to do so because your economic livelihood depends on it. Your social survivability stands on that so you are kind of set through a maze every day in life that you are constantly training yourself to be in. The only way to move yourself out of that essential, basic training is to put yourself in another form of training that’s designed to escalate you out of that maze. You’re exercising those qualities. The second that you stop exercising those qualities, the dominant is going to take over, which is going to be the mundane life. All of a sudden, you find that you’re going back into the Doe and you feel disconnected. If you can maintain a life that is spiritual with spiritual exercises, then your view and your life and everything starts to be rewarded because you are existing there. Both are work. In order to be in the Doe, you’re actually having to commit to being in the Doe. Think about it. This is why you have monks and spiritual people detach from that and say, “I’m going to go off and live in a cave,” or “I’m going to go separate from life.” In this modern age, it doesn’t work so easily. This is why I’ve come up with the training that I have, to circumvent that.

Nick: How often would you recommend that people do a Dreamscape or the Dreamscapes? [33:52]

Eric: I think if you can access or get access to them, once a week.

Nick: Once a week, okay. [34:03]

Eric: Yeah, I think that when you do more than that, you actually build up a very quick immunity.

Nick: Okay, very quick. [34:05]

Eric: That’s only—Ten to one, you may not do the Dreamscape a long time afterward. Not because you didn’t start off wanting to or being blown away by it but in the mundane program that you’re putting yourself in, something starts to dominate the structure of your energy and your consciousness. It deters back from that elevated site:

Nick: Would you recommend either doing or not doing Dreamscape before or after or close to a meditation, like a Foundation meditation? [34:23]

Eric: I don’t like to stack stuff against one another. I think it’s good to do a meditation and then do your Dreamscape but I think that your meditation should be for the sole purpose of you meditating and being satisfied with that, not going into a meditation with the anticipation, the excitement of the next level of the reward, which is to say, “Now, I’m going to go and do a Dreamscape.” A meditation, to me, I will take over a Dreamscape. Dreamscapes, obviously, can be mind-blowing. I mean, they can get so real. You can see the sweat coming off of another person in your dream. You can feel things. You can sense it. You can smell things. They can get very intense, sometimes more vivid than reality. It’s really amazing but you’re entering another matrix if you will.   It’s training you, yes. When you meditate, you’re pulling yourself off of all matrices and the closest thing to awakening you to wherever you are, the source by which you truly exist, projecting this reality that we’re in now, it’s the closest that you can get to being who you are because you’re shedding and getting rid of all things that you’re told is who you are and what your life is. It’s all an illusion. You’re stripping the illusion down to the bare essentials, the bone. As you sit there, it becomes you. You try to stay there as long as you can but eventually, this reality is so strong that it starts to call you back. You take a piece with you and each time you journey there, you get a little more, a little more, a little more. Eventually, you gain strength in that state.   I want to make a statement: I’m well aware of a lot of spiritually-evolved people that are listening to these classes. I want to say what a shame it is that they are deterred or not stepping forward. I think it’s a disservice to the Force and to their own awakening. They are here to serve the universe. They may have issues and concerns about me, whether it be on the internet or negative stuff. There will always be haters. There will always be “untruths” out there. There will always be false documentation put out there. This is all designed to prevent them from awakening. This is all designed to make them slow down and they’ll get this little piece, this little piece, rather than seeking out the source. I want them to truly think about what I’m saying and to have the strength to face whatever fear it is to present themselves to me. You’re not going to get rejection. Whether you get acknowledgment from me or not shouldn’t matter. What shows me that you deserve that acknowledgment may be not that day, maybe not that week, maybe not that month. Sooner or later, if I believe that you’re persistent enough like the Shaolin temple and the students sitting outside, show me who you are. Present yourself. If fear is ruling you, fear is the mind killer. Everything that’s put out there, whether it be negative, positive, whatever, it’s designed to deter you. Follow your inner truth, follow your Navigator and don’t let any illusions, any concepts, any idea, any preconceptions from other people who fabricated false realities to be presented to you of truths that make you decide what it is you’re going to do. Follow your Navigator and that’s how you awaken.   Those of you out there who are listening to me right now, you know fucking god damn well who you are, present yourself and make yourself known or your time has come and it’s gone. The universe needs you.   Let me just say something else: you can listen to the Dreamscapes. You can listen to Rebel Guru. You can listen to all of this stuff. You can get all of my modules. You’re never going to get to where you need to be until you present yourself to me whether it’s easier to just Facebook or by some means, you’re going to connect to what I call “the Great Matrix,” the networking of consciousness. You will stand out more for your evolution. Do not let whatever is suppressing your consciousness. It’s an illusion that you’re believing and that you’re letting control your idea of whether I can teach you or not. It was designed that way. I’ve said over a decade ago, before all of this, to certain students that the day I start to teach, this is the day that these things will happen in order to circumvent any great awakening from very powerful, gifted individuals out there. Don’t be a victim of it. Be brave. Follow your instincts. Find me, present yourself. Don’t be afraid to do it.   What’s the worst case scenario? I’m not interested. That shouldn’t stop you. If it does then you should just give up your path. You should just give it up.

Nick: A quick question on that: When you say “present yourself,” there’s a feeling of “it’s not just your physical self” but it’s— [39:42]

Eric: I think people present me their spiritual self and they make the assumption that I’m going to just call them up. There is a level of truth to that but this, in a sense, is governed by a reality, at least where we exist, that says there are also biological laws to matter meaning laws and rules. You can’t just call somebody or do something. I have to work within certain guidelines as a teacher and say, “Okay, this is the reality we live in. These are the guidelines. I’ve got to work with that. As much as I want to reach out to somebody, they have to reach out first.” That’s just the simple truth of it.   The easiest way to do that is through Facebook or some means and present yourself. Tell me who you are, tell me a little bit about yourself. That’s it. You may not hear anything from me but you took the first, biggest step. If I respond to you, wonderful. If I don’t, wonderful. That doesn’t mean I’m not interested. That means that something crazy that day is going on that I have to deal with, like office shit and stuff, and I get sidetracked. Resend another message sometime later and pictures! Pictures! Pictures! I scan pictures! If you want me to dial into you, the fastest way for me to say, “Bingo,” is current face pictures, current information, not stuff that’s from three years ago. Three years ago, who knows where you were and who you were? You’ve evolved since then. The greatest warriors need to present themselves and not be deterred by whatever fucking crap they find out there on the internet or other people or other things. You need to make a choice and say, “I’m all in. If I get burned, I get burned. If I find what I find, fine!” It’s as simple as that.   Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you don’t take that risk of stepping forward, you likely will never awaken and you’ll just keep telling yourself, “Sooner or later…sooner or later.” Ask yourself how long you’ve been asking that question. If I’m not the man to help, I don’t know why you’re here. I already think and I know they know I am. Each person is individual at some point that I have to teach certain things to that the broader level of teachings can’t do justice to. Shoot me hello! Shoot me an acknowledgment. If I changed your life in any way, if I’ve been helpful to you despite what you may think and think positive, negative, whatever, don’t you feel that they owe me that little bit of acknowledgment? Is it that much to say, “You have had a big effect on my life. Thank you.” “I may not agree with everything. I may not like this or that but thank you.” That’s what opens the door in the universe.   Here’s the thing: Let me present something different to you. Did I not just say the island and everything is perfect and without the storm, you don’t have—it either scares you to death or you overcome it and you build to prepare for that and you move advanced? In order to have growth, you have to have Shiva? That’s destruction. What is that? It’s fear. You have to overcome that fear. The fear is created by the darkness to suppress you. Fear has been created out there to prevent people from finding their teacher and learning directly from that teacher. They’re learning from a distance. They’re not learning directly which is what it doesn’t want them to do. That’s my point.   If this is an illusion, think about how brilliant it is. Don’t buy into the illusion. At some point, you’ve got to know whether my teachings are the right teachings for you or not. If they’re the right teachings for you, you have to get rid of your brain-sphere of rejection, non-acceptance, or whatever the hell it is, or “What’s he going to do to me? What’s going to happen?” It’s there to prevent you from awakening. You have to overcome it or you’re not awakening yourself. Does that make sense?

Nick: Yeah, it does. [43:46]

Eric: Good. I want to make one last point.

Nick: Yeah, keep going. [43:48]

Eric: Some people can take issue with whatever they want about me, my life, whatever, but I say to you the same thing I just said to you moments ago: If it’s what you think it’s supposed to be, where’s the growth? If it’s something that throws you off completely and you’re like, “This is not what I anticipated. This is not what I expected. This is not my ideal idea of a teacher.” if you get your ideal teacher, then you’re just going to be the person on the island where everything is going the way that you imagined it to be. You’re not growing. You need to have everything you think challenge and escalate it on a higher level. You’ll adjust and you’ll go, “I totally get it now. I would never have thought that way before but it’s fucking brilliant.”   Until you are able to do that, you can’t grow. Whatever their preconceived notions of me are—I’m too loud, I’m too vexatious, I’m too this, that, whatever, my life’s not that, whatever the hell you want—at the end of the day, that’s is that you suiting your idea or are you willing to challenge yourself because it’s going to have to shake you to your core to some degree in order to wake you. Are you in or are you out? It’s that simple. Be brave or don’t be brave. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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