Episode 58 – Kundalini and Surrender
A New Twist
Surrendering is a powerful technique used in your spiritual evolution to remove the negative energies that weigh upon you, but how does it relate to Kundalini? In this episode, Eric will explore the true roles of Kundalini and spiritual surrender, learn the unexpected link between the two, and what you should watch out for. Then, Eric will guide you through a powerful mini Kundalini practice.
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In this show we cover:
- How to develop trust between healer and recipient before a healing session
- The different between real Kundalini experiences and hyperventilation
- Why most available information about Kundalini is inaccurate
- Guided Kundalini Exercise
- What dangers to look out for and how to fix them
- Psychedelic micro-dosing and Surrender – does it help?
- Why Energy Movements are a crucial exercise for working with Kundalini
Free Meditation Training
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The Higher Balance Method
This is the method practiced by spiritual masters to "trigger" enlightenment. Ask yourself… what did the Enlightened Masters throughout history meditate to? Obviously, they didn’t rely on the latest gimmicks and mainstream spiritual fads.
They meditated to a Dimensional Sound which has been called “The Voice of God” by these same enlightened masters who were able to re-write reality as we know it. They were able to accomplish this because this ‘sound’ was used to trigger an Enlightened state of consciousness. Are you ready to enter the realm of masters?
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Energy Movements
Energy movements are yoga for the energy body. When you do your energy movements, you are building your consciousness, spirituality, dimensional sensory, and psychic sensory; they are all interconnected. For you to do one, you need the other. It all starts off with having a basic understanding of energy.
Spiritual Flow
As modern spiritualists, we are always looking for that state of flow where we feel that strong connection to the Universe and operate from a higher state of mind. Instead of waiting for this moments to find you, learn to initiate them. In this action plan, you will discover the techniques and methods to merge with your spiritual flow.