Episode 38 – Navigating Virtual Realities, Part 1

Exploring Future Technologies
In this episode, Eric discusses the connection White Cells will have with future technologies and how that technology will eventually be able to mimic the abilities of White Cells. Explore how virtual lives will eventually be commonplace and the revelations this technology may offer for the collective consciousness, which will affect the governing rules within this matrix.
He then examines the Enlightenment of Artificial Intelligence and how we will be able to determine if it is truly connected to the Force.
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In this show we cover:
The future of virtual realities and virtual lives
The qualifications of those who will have the ability to Navigate future technologies
How technology may develop to match white cell abilities
Enlightenment of artificial intelligence and how to determine if it is truly connected to the Force
Challenging our own mental sensibility and the factors that try to suppress us
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