Episode 20 – Simulated Reality, Part 2

Episode 20 Simulated Reality

“Magic is only magic until you understand how it works.”

In this episode, Eric Pepin discusses the spiritual implications of living in a simulated reality. Continuing the discussion from episode 14, Eric brings amazing insights on the Planes of Light and breaking free of the Matrix. Then, he delves into a deeper understanding of ancient teachings, words of wisdom from the great yogis and mystics, and the true meaning of yantras.

Unravel the latest science to find more truth on your spiritual path. Enjoy.

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In this show we cover: 

    • Whether it’s really possible to break free of the simulated reality and what practices you can use to begin to do so [2:10]
    • How simulated reality relates to ancient teachings and texts that never mentioned computer code or simulations [7:50]
    • How we can relate to God and spirituality with this very scientific and technological model of reality [12:15]
    • The “error correcting code” that stops you from reaching enlightenment and how can you bypass this program [18:20]
    • How understanding reality as a simulation gives you greater access to explore other dimensions [22:45]
    • The connection between the sixth sense, the chest center, and programming reality in the realm of simulated reality [32:45]


Simulated Reality, Part II [Click to see more...]

Nick: In our previous episode, we’ve talked about simulated reality and we brought up the topic of Elon Musk and how it’s kind of a buzz on the internet that he believes that we’re living in a simulated reality. Recently, we’ve now seen more articles come out where they talk about billionaires who claim that they’re going try to break us free. [1:38]


Eric: Hack it, yeah.


Nick: Break free from the matrix. Just putting it out there: Is it possible for somebody who hasn’t developed psychic abilities to actually break free of the matrix? [2:00]


Eric: I don’t know if I like to classify things as psychic ability. It’s become such an overused word in such a cheesy way that I just kind of cringe when I hear it because it just reminds me of your {?) psychics, psychic this, psychic that. I suppose there’s not a better name for it but my answer to that is that anything is certainly possible and I think that perhaps this venture is going to be, in a way, kind of good and interesting. As I’ve said before, I believe there will be technologies that will be developed that will amplify or assist those who’ve developed their consciousness or psychic abilities if you will. I think that it could be at least a catalyst to that direction. I think it’s going to be more of a combination of both or a one-off, just spiritually, psychically.

You’ve got to think about it a little bit differently because if we say we’re in a simulated reality—let’s just run with that—then pretty much anything that we would create, manifest technology-wise, anything, it’s still governed by whatever the main mechanism is creating the reality. It’s not like it’s not going to know. It’s not like it’s not going to have safety features to adapt to make it faulty. It’s something that, if we escape from it, what’s the whole point of it?


Of course, it’s not going to want that to necessarily happen but the one thing that I think is absolutely true is that in itself, it is trying to allow what we’ll call “humans or other intelligences,” to have self-awareness. Therefore, if we have self-awareness, the one thing that I think would be the ultimate thing to escape this simulated reality or at least to move maybe somewhat beyond it, is through the mind, through consciousness. I can see the amplification with various technologies but like anything else, there are circuit boards that we build and we don’t know why they work. They just work. It’s bizarre. It’s like one of these bizarre science things. I think that there are other things that should work that just don’t work.


When you think about the split test that I’ve lectured on quite a bit, we know that when we observe the split test, it doesn’t do what it was doing when we weren’t looking. When we’re not looking, it reacts. It does something completely different. Consciously trying to create something for the purpose of the one thing that it doesn’t want us to escape because it needs us to be running these patterns, it seems to me that it’s going to be a very tough task to do. I would, again, say that nothing is impossible, but on the same token, I think that it’s always going to come back to consciousness, the mind, deep states of trance if you will, and operating with non-thought as an intelligence.


Nick: I’m not sure when you created the module, but you mentioned very much what’s happening now in Unveiled. [5:30]


Eric: How many years ago was that now? That’s a—


Nick: I’m guessing maybe ten to fifteen. [5:39]


Eric: Over a decade ago, yeah.


Nick: Yeah, if not—You had mentioned where people will try to escape the matrix and in doing so, create amazing simulations. In time, they’ll realize it’s a means to an end and they really need to develop their mind and their skills. [5:43]


Eric: There’s a system—Look, we think we’re intelligent. We’re not all that intelligent. I hate to pop our bubble but it’s like this: It would only make sense to create another simulated reality to let us believe that we’ve escaped the simulated reality. That’s kind of what I’m alluding to. I always feel like I’ve got to be careful with what I say because you don’t want to turn people off if you say certain things. It’s just a matter of whether they’re ready to understand those things.


Nick: Could you briefly explain what you refer to as code, the matrix? [6:28]


Eric: Code is like anything else. It’s the organizational properties that creates the structure by what we perceive reality to be. I think everybody’s reality can be a little bit different and we’re just not aware of it. I think that with different species of animals and such, I think their reality and perception is different than ours, hence their sense of smell, hence synthesis or whatever when your smell becomes a color and you can see the color but you can smell it. I think that there’s a limitation of what we perceive but the code is everywhere and it’s also invisible in a lot of ways.


Nick: One of the things that somebody wrote in, they said: “I cannot comprehend God as big computer. I cannot identify with computer code. I understand that everything may be an illusion but when the eastern mystics, yogis, gurus speak of self-realization, they never really mentioned binary code. They provoked each person to find their own self and described it as true self, love, peace, etc.” She goes on to say, “Computer code is just something that I cannot emotionally accept at this moment. Is it really computer code underneath it all and why do I feel this?” [7:13]


Eric: People sometimes say, “I can’t get into your teachings because you’re so arrogant,” or whatnot. Here’s one of those things. It puts me in a situation where it’s: do I say what I really think, which I think is liberating for some people, or do I curtail that and try to make that person feel more comfortable with what they can comprehend at this point? The arrogance comes in, all being said, it’s because I don’t think other people can understand it or they’re not ready for this or not. This has nothing to do with arrogance, it’s just being a teacher, saying that each person is really ready for different things to comprehend it.


If we look at the essential laws of physics as we understand it, that everything follows an order of principles to a certain degree, is that not a form of computer code in itself? Is that not a set of rules that maintains our reality to be functional for us? It’s a set of invisible rules that everything is applied to. To me, that also is a level code, depending on how you want to look at it. Behind that law of physics, what maintains that law of physics or what culminates for that effect to happen, whether it be gravitational, the speed of light, thermodynamics, whatever. It’s still more numbers or more rules that things follow.


Now, the big leap for people is when they use the word “computer.” This is our thinking again and it makes us invoke these images of a box or computer room with all of these things running like an IBM lab or something. It is so beyond typical human comprehension. It’s like taking a jet and trying to have prehistoric man understand what that is. It’s just ignorant to assume that you really can grasp all of that. Sometimes it’s just better not to approach something. It’s better to just leave it vague. It’s like trying to explain something, the perils of life, to a child! There’s just no point to it! You’ve got to just explain it in a way that you can have them understand something that’s approachable for them unless they become so fearful that they stop existing, they stop going outside of their home.


When they talk about Buddhist masters and Hinduism or whatever, I don’t think that’s true at all. I think that’s a very surface statement that that person just made, that they don’t talk about these things, They absolutely do talk about them. If you look at any yantra or mandala or any of these things, these are probably the closest thing to a person who doesn’t understand what computer code is. Just because they’re enlightened doesn’t mean they get it. It is an organizational structure of what would be deemed maybe light and as I’ve said before, you’re talking about something that would be three-dimensional or beyond three dimensions in their mind. They have only the means technologically and artistically to make it two-dimensional.


They show these structures and then other people who haven’t attained that who are learning from whoever start tying in symbolism that we can relate to, which becomes all these different pictorial images of Buddhist monks meditating in these mandalas here. Look at the structures, look at the patterns. Those patterns are, in a sense, computer code. As far as I’m concerned, they absolutely understood it, they just didn’t call it computer code and maybe they didn’t think of it that way. I assure you, they understood that this was the construct and basis for creation, reality.


That is what they were trying to transcribe when they go from these deep states of mind and have to manifest this in a way to show another person who’s not capable of going into those deep states of mind.


Nick: Do you think that people, when they start to internalize that everything is a simulation, that they when they become fearful, it is really their fear or is it, in a sense, their reaction from the Gaia mind that keeps them where they’re at? [11:58]


Eric: I wouldn’t say the Gaia mind. Let’s just call it the mainframe system if you will. That’s a very good question and I would say it’s both. We’re rooted with certain instincts. Why would those instincts be limited to a handful of things? There are probably things still so complex that we aren’t even aware of. We have an instinct for survival and anything that threatens that sense of survival, we’re either going to withdraw or deny or whatever it takes to kind of keep us on our thing.


Look, if we’re in a simulation, we have to run a series of patterns. Whatever there is, there’s got to be—More than likely, what are we evolving to? It’s like I always say, it’s like watching hurricane storms on a computer. It goes over hundreds, if not thousands, if not more, different kinds of scenarios to see what that storm will do: How far inland will it go? If we change the temperature by a degree, does it go only on the coast? Does it go further? What trajectory does it take? Does it intensify? Does it slow down? These are millions of different variables that it’s observing to see what these patterns do. We see ourselves in a three-dimensional way but if were were to see ourselves in a numerical pattern and just added patterns to it, we’d look a lot like mandalas. It’s structures that are not necessarily chaotic. It’s organized and it’s constantly changing but in organized ways.


In essence, it needs us to not be aware that there’s an awareness to what it’s doing. It means that it would change our patterns. It means that: What good is it if now they’re not really operating on a level that is unique to the situation? They’re adapting their thinking which makes it less functional for the purpose that it’s doing. Of course, when we say auto-correcting computer coding, where the computer does something where there’s a glitch of something, something ruins it, it will figure out what it should be. It’s like rebooting it really fast but on a micro level and it makes it so it resets so it goes to the pattern of what it needs it to do to see what that outcome could be. Yeah, there is absolutely an interwoven sense of auto-correcting or putting fear, if you will, into pushing too hard on the one thing that’s running everything.


I often say that you can take the same logic to say, “Why don’t we interfere with Amazonian tribes?” We want to study it. We don’t want them to know we’re studying it because as soon as we do, they start functioning and adapting and changing their culture, whereas we’re advanced enough to know that if we could watch them that maybe in their day-to-day life, we see something that we, ourselves, never thought of. It’s something we just garnered knowledge. It could be some plant they use to cure some disease that we didn’t even know could do that. It could be an instrument that we hadn’t thought of or considered. You take that and it might look primal but to anybody who’s got an intellect, you start running idea of our technology into that concept and it could be something amazing.


Through observations, sociologically, life-to-life on tools and stuff, there are so many levels of information that could be taken. How do we adjust to the environment, that kind of environment? What do they do to tolerate it? What happens biologically to their bodies through evolution due to the plant life they’re eating? Are there any different adaptations in their bodies?


On a grander scale, this is what a simulated reality, more than likely, is doing. It could be from extreme levels to war to how we’re dealing with climate change and whether we’re ignoring it or whether we’re whatever. There’s a ton of stuff so the second we start to become aware of that, just like the primitives, if they become aware of it, they all of a sudden stop their normal habit. It’s not altered and it’s going to either start mimicking us which we already know everything about us, or we think we do, anyway. It is what it is. It’s a yes and no kind of thing. I often say also that it is the spiritualist person who is really thinking off the grid. That is the White Cell. We are, in a sense, becoming conscious of it, but I believe that we have a dual purpose.


This is what I was saying in last night’s lecture to people, it’s that what I think is that White Cells inherently are dialed more into the simulated reality. We call it “other dimensions.” We call it “spiritual realms.” We call it “dimensions,” whatever you want to call it. It’s really the same thing. You can call it whatever you want but when you really start to dissect it, it comes out to a simulated reality. In essence, in order to change certain things, I think it utilizes structures within the program which would be the best way to do that for some things, not all things. We are the most likely dialed in to have that effect and that’s what I stand by.


Nick: When somebody has worked on their consciousness, in a sense, we’ve worked on your teachings, if they internalize the simulated reality and really start to notice the truth of it, it’s as if the matrix or grid, whatever you want to call it, doesn’t know how to react to that person. It kind of feels unstable. Are you saying that beyond that, if somebody can not become fearful, that it actually resets their patterns, resets their program? [17:42]


Eric: I’m not sure if I would word it that way. What I would say is that most people who do spiritual things, there is an error-correcting code—and I don’t really think it’s error, I think we’re doing the right thing—but it makes their life more mundane and then all of a sudden, they forget to pursue their spiritual path because other stuff seems to come up from nowhere that’s very grounding. The person who learns correctly, the idea is to have one foot in, one foot out but create a kind of balance. You have to acknowledge your organic or your physical life as much as your spiritual.


Everybody talks about this but here’s another way of looking at it—and it’s getting that aha in your head—that you have to develop a level of non-thought to function in this simulated higher level, if you will, and be able to exist here without getting slammed in your organic life, to have that error-correcting code want to ramp you down because you’re getting to conscious, too aware. It’s a state of mind and it’s very complex. You know I do teach this in other stuff but we’re talking hours and hours of teaching.


In essence, you’re learning to adapt your consciousness to be at peace with what you are revealing to yourself. You’ve got to get that fear factor under control and your brain has to be flexible enough to kind of accept the situation and elevate to that level of that new reality. This takes a lot of self-control. This is what I was saying, again, last night, which is parallel to a lot of this. The fear of death has always been a mainframe in many spiritual centers. You have to get past your fear of death. You have to do this death cycle of thinking. It doesn’t mean you literally die but you have to be really at peace with that because that’s what people are facing. The reason why they’re having fear is because when you think about simulated reality, it’s like saying, “What is my life? What is my existence? What is all of this stuff?” That’s what’s going to bring you back down is that fear. If you can get past that, that is liberation in spirituality. That means you’re transcending past that.


What does that mean “transcending past that?” It means that you’re starting to understand reality on a much broader level. It’s multi-faceted and the only way to do that—This is why spiritual circles talk about mindfulness and they also talk about detachment. What if we got it wrong a little bit? What if it wasn’t just about not having expensive things for detachment? What if it was on a much broader level? What if that’s what they were trying to say and maybe they were doing baby talk to us years ago, the spiritual masters, because we couldn’t understand anything grander than that? This is why I always say, “All spiritual stuff, I think, is upside down in the first place.” I think that that’s why most people aren’t able to achieve the highest levels of consciousness. It’s because all these people have watered down the real truth of teachings.


Nick: What would you recommend people detaching from? You said expensive things but can you give a couple of things to reflect on? [21:23]


Eric: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making a lot of money or if you chose not to. It’s a matter, of course, of what you choose to do with it. Are you helping your fellow man? Are you purchasing stuff? Forget all of that. It’s a little bit maybe simpler than that and more complex than that. For instance, last night we had a person—you were watching, I’m presuming—and she’s been practicing the teachings for a while now. She’s like, “Look…” She’s very serious, very honest. She’s got a lot of credibility in my book. She’s talking about using the techniques and she said, “I got to the point where I could see the sideways rain,” which is basically what I would call the true reality canvas. That’s what our whole reality is painted on. If you get past that, you can physically, with your eyes, see the sideways rain. I don’t know if you, yourself, have gotten there. I believe so. Yes, you’re nodding. You’ve got to let the people know that you’re nodding.


She was saying that she’s also at the point now where she can look at the wall and she can see the wall bending and moving, which I also have a lot of students who are able to do now. She said, “Not only that, but it’s started to look layered like it’s cards from the side.” She was asking me what that is and I was explaining it to her. Here’s the point of these exercises: It’s one thing to conceive it in your imagination. It’s another when you are able to see this happening in front of you. It’s more real than real, then. Your mind has two choices: either snap and say, “I’m not dealing with this ever again,” or it looks at it and it is able to accept that as another form of reality.


Your brain is building new neurons, neural paths. It’s adapting so what that’s doing is it’s helping her elevate to a higher level of spirituality because she’s got one foot in our reality and one in the other. The other one is now making more operational sense. It’s going to be to the point where she can enter those places for longer amounts of time and see and experience more profound things. That is the point of it.


Nick: We’ve actually had, recently and more so after your Red Curtain broadcast, people calling in and saying that they’ve been having more major phenomena. Why do you think it is recently now that people are not just having experiences like seeing auras but literally seeing potentially things disappearing in front of them. Why is that happening? [23:35]


Eric: True phenomena. We have a lot of people—Then again, I’ll get hit with the ego thing but I think a lot of people have a bunch of fluff, BS phenomena. They say experiences and then we have people that legitimately are having really insane stuff happening. Why do I think that is? I think we’re at a transitional point in time. When you look at artificial intelligence, quantum computers, technology is hand-in-hand with spirituality. Spirituality is still technology. Magic is only magic until you understand how it works. Then, all of a sudden, it takes on fundamental laws that you can manipulate.


The point is that as we keep reaching what I call “epoch level,” the majority of people are starting to understand. The fastest way to gain an ability to affect something is your level of belief or [disbelief]. If you don’t really believe something is possible, it’s almost like you cannot, on a quantum level, affect anything. The second that you strip mine any doubt from you and it becomes a real truth, all of a sudden you are able to affect reality to some degree and it can escalate in levels.


I think that because we are not really looking at simulated realities and we’re like, “Holy shit! This is feasible! This is something that’s starting to manifest!” We’re starting to understand more through science the realms of energy and frequency and dimensions and parallel dimensions. There is always some new article now talking about other dimensions and parallel dimensions. Now, we’re looking at other worlds and more. It’s becoming more real. This is a manifestation into our reality or better yet, if we’re in a simulated reality, then a portion of that simulated reality, without a doubt, is what we manifest as a collective, the human race, of what our mind will believe. That starts to manifest through the computer code if you will like a reality changing, or what we technologically can and can’t do.


Nick: I feel like this relates to some images that we’ll see where you have a meditating person and then you’ll have a beam of light coming from them that stretches above their head, below their body. Is this kind of what you’re referring to in the sense of programming the code? How does this relate to simulated reality? [26:01]


Eric: I’m not quite sure, rephrase your question, what you’re asking.

Nick: I think the normal depiction of that image is that maybe that’s their soul or their Middle Pillar, things that maybe you’ve discussed in other modules. Now that we’re talking simulated reality into effect, can you put a little bit more emphasis on that? [26:22]


Eric: I think, again, I covered a little bit of this last night in the class but look, we want to always put a visual representation on things. I want to put it out there that what we try to describe is simply a marker, a reference point for you mind to start bridging new ideas. It doesn’t mean that it’s exactly this way or that way. It’s just that we’re in a three-dimensional position, let’s say. That’s how we have to conceive to bridge that process of thinking. When I talk, I’m talking to many people, people who are just becoming aware of this and people who are probably much further along, which another thing that kills me. Somebody will say, “Oh, I read all of your books but it bored me because I knew all of that stuff.” I’m like, “Well, then you haven’t read all of the other books. Did you take the first-grade class books, the sixth-grade class, the college, or the—” Anyway…


The point is that when I describe the body, I believe that consciousness has to be held together and when you leave on an organic level, you have to have data, which is alive. Your thoughts, your memories, are all like computer numbers in a specific combination. Change that combination and your memories change, your thoughts change, your feelings will change. We have a certain order and it’s relatively maintained and it’s slowly changing as we call life and aging and all of these things. We’re adding experiences to it so it adapts and changes as code. For the most part, that code or that frequency, that radio station that you tune to is your identity and it’s very complex.


When you die or you cease, I believe that the computer code disassembles. I often say it’s like smoke in the air and the wind blows and it’s just separated. It’s all made out of little particles if you think about it. That was you and it will never be you again because it doesn’t get re-assembled. You need a vessel, what we think of a vessel, or you need a source of energy that is containing them in a certain order. It’s maintaining it. If you can do that as you move past the organic barriers or structure that it’s contained in currently, then you can exist outside of this self that you perceive yourself as. I call that a spiritual body or an energy body.


A body is still a container. A soul is still containing within it, the data. It’s a vessel in an order that has the ability to move through spatial time if you will, as energy, versus us organically having to get up and move. It just stays within us. Do you see what I’m saying? I don’t know if that answers your question or not.


When we talk about different levels of the body, causal energy, physical energy, these are different kinds of bodies. As I always said, the real you exists in your chest if you had to do a location. We teach people to feel that and for it to answer questions. It’s like, “Holy shit!” This isn’t like—I hate New Age stuff. I’m like, “look, what I’m saying is real! You can test it! It’s flipping real and it’s undeniable. It’s not a made up feeling!”


Nick: When you are saying that and internalizing it, when you’re kind of breaking apart the code, it really feels like there’s more of a sense of connection with the Force, where when we take simulated reality into effect, sometimes it feels like there’s a disconnect. You’re like, “Where is God in the whole grand scheme of things?” [29:56]


Eric: Right. My feelings—and like I’ve said, I’ve addressed all of this before and probably more in-depth but…The second we think of simulated reality, you’ve got to understand how the human brain thinks. Anything that you don’t really know too much, in our mind, we’re scrambling for references in us that we can say, “It’s like this, it’s like that.” We start building a concept or an idea based on that. When we think of simulated reality, I tell you it’s no different than when we say “other dimensions,” “other frequencies,” “other realms that spirits exist in” and stuff, it still doesn’t make any difference. It’s still governed by the laws of physics or the physics of that dimension. Those are rules. Rules are an energy that really controls kind of how things will work and what options we have are based within it, not outside of it.


That, to me, is a computer code that’s everywhere. It’s everywhere. It’s in this room, it’s controlling light, it’s controlling breath, it’s controlling everything. When one says “simulated reality,” I just think it’s a new word that we want to think of, “oh, that’s us controlling a computer program.” When we call it a simulated reality, no, it’s just a better word that the majority of people can relate to, although, when we start to realize that it has a greater level of control and maybe there’s something behind the laws of physics, pulling the strings, we call that the Force. We call that the Dark Side. We call that other beings. We call those ancients floating around. Those could be all subculture kind of programs doing their things. Call it whatever the hell you want. It doesn’t change anything. We do need to adapt to keep peeling away and getting rid of the images of what we think something is. We want the truth and the more pure level that we can get to it, the more that we can get closer to working with it or to grow ourselves beyond it. Truth, truth is very important and a lot of people aren’t ready for truth. They say they are but they’re not.


Nick: Can you relate moreso the connection of the sixth sense, the chest center, programming reality, and tie it into simulated reality? Trying to make that connection, you have your teachings from the past, let’s say decade, which you say relates to everything you’re saying now. How can we tie those in a maybe get that “aha moment?” [32:15]


Eric: As I’ve said before, every paranormal event, if you were to look at it more scientifically, before we started to understand simulated reality and all of these things that started coming into pop culture and stuff, they were mystical things. They were things that of a mystical value but always in the back of almost anything, especially anybody in HBI. We have this intellectual doubter. I like to say that we’re rather intelligent people or scientific or to that level and so it’s never quite sat with us very well. When you think of all psychic abilities, when you think of all paranormal events, whether you think about spirits or ghosts or hauntings, at the end of the day, this all didn’t have a real place—not too much at least—in science. That was kind of like, “Okay, we’ve just got to wait for them to catch up.”


My answer is: Hello, they’ve caught up! This is the beginning of that and that’s what we’re going to see in the next decade. All of these phenomena make pure logic when you approach it from a simulated reality. If you were in a simulated reality and you didn’t know you were in a simulated reality and it was 100 years from now and you didn’t understand these things and an object moves across a table or a wall, you can see through it for a moment, it would be terrifying. It would become spooky and it would become entities. If you’d seen a person walk through a room and then go through a wall, it’s a ghost or a spirit. When you think of simulated realities and you think, “Okay, there are other programs running that are probably layered that we’re just not in that exact frequency. It’s like layered on top of our frequency or below and they somehow cross a little bit.” All of a sudden, you go, “Oh my god! We’re seeing another dimension and we’re optically able to observe it and that’s why they don’t see us. They’re just moving and they go through what looks like a door to them but it’s not a door for us.” It makes perfect sense in a simulated reality sense.


That’s a huge progression for the development of being able to tap that. Psychic ability is to say that you are no utilizing a tool, another sense. As I used to say in the old days, it’s the tool to find God. In other words, it’s the tool to bend reality so that you can lift the lid of these other realities and see them and at some point integrate and communicate. Instead of us having one reality and there’s another reality and another reality, these realities all become closer to all becoming one reality, if you really think about it. It’s just how we choose to perceive it. We choose our own separation.

All psychic abilities are bridging tools that are more able to interpret, just like your sense, interpret reality for us. They’re more acutely tuned to start interpreting other dimensions, other spaces, other frequencies, other phenomena if you will, that are still occupying the space we’re in. If you were deaf, you may not know there was somebody moving around you. If you were blind, you may not know somebody was around you. You need senses to define that. There are things happening all around us. You need to refine the senses that are able to inform you of that. That’s what psychic phenomena are and it’s taken on this whole bubblegum bullshit thing in all these bullshit books that that come out and all of this other crap. I think they just mislead people.


Everything spiritual, if you look at it in a simulated reality, it’s really an integration to this other place. Your mind, because you may doubt the quality of your experience, starts to conform to that and limit your ability to continuously open that up. Other people may argue that when you do drugs, you see all of these things. Yeah, but when you do that, it’s like doing something where you’re drunk and all of a sudden, you only remember bits and pieces and the rest are blacked out. We’re talking no drugs now. We’re talking integration on a level that you walk back with all the information you had, which advances you rather than limiting you. It only gives you a tiny portion of it. Nevermind that, but it doesn’t damage your neurons in your brain and shit from over frying them.


Nick: Would you say that the people that call in with the phenomena they’ve been having, the real phenomena that we mentioned earlier, is that them writing the program or is that them being more mindful, more aware of glitches in the simulation? [36:59]


Eric: It’s a case-by-case situation. You have some people that are actually integrating with the phenomena or causing the phenomena and you have other people who are witnessing phenomena because they’re starting to pay more attention to this higher sensory. They’re able, then, to detect it or sense it or whatnot. It’s kind of both.


Nick: What would be your take on the Planes of Light? Is that something that came before the concept of simulated reality, something within this concept? [37:38]


Eric: It’s still all within, it’s just a matter of—Think about it this way: think about everything I’ve said about the Planes of Light. Some spiritual people talk about the Planes. How do you explain to people about being in a simulated reality and having swathes of information or data or other programs running and being able to integrate with those programs? We call them other dimensions and as soon as you say that, we think about completely other worlds. Although the vast majority of people have never done that, they just assume there’s a level of truth to that or logic. When you think about a computer system—and this is, again, what I was saying last night—we look at a computer screen. We’re talking a video conference. You begin to just assume that that person’s right in front of you when the truth is that they’re not in front of you really at all. It’s something projected to you. They’re somewhere across the other side of the world or the other side of the state.


In the meantime, I’m running antivirus programs in the back, Microsoft Word in the back. I’m running some other shit in the background and everything. Are any of those things less functioning because I’m not paying conscious attention to them? They’re still going on. If you were to not think in organic terms or you were able to plug a thing in the back of your head like The Matrix and plug onto the computer, how would you interpret all the electricity and information and data moving around? You’re not going to see them as people like in The Matrix.How do you define or describe that? How do you describe swathes of information when it’s computing?


We easily will think in terms of light and dark, so let’s talk that way. That’s still an interpretation. You will see what is a collective of light building and you know that that’s a mass of something because it’s illuminating more. This is the laws of physics if you will, to some degree. You will see light moving away from you and coming at you. You may see it fan out. The whole place may have an illumination that’s so bright that you can’t see anything in it if you were looking with human eyes. If you were to look at it in a different way, you could see all of these other things moving around. How do you describe all of that? I would describe it as the Planes of Light. It’s an operational point. It’s like saying that there are railroads and they go across the nation but you have hubs where they will all intersect and you can switch trains, move cargo to the other train, and then they go on their way. These are hubs and I’ve talked about this in certain ways. This is the big hub. This is something, and something is governing and organizing the traffic inside of that area.


This is where you get into micro/macro. Within any light density within that place, there’s a whole other construct of information going on there. If you were to go into it, it may look like a billion crushed stars in there and you can’t understand it. As soon as your brain has a system to convert it into a format that you can interpret, all of a sudden, you’re on some other world or you’re in some other place or you’re in this world right now. Does that make sense?


Nick: That’s a very “aha” statement. Would you say that this is the heart of God or an extension of God’s awareness? [41:00]


Eric: I don’t know if I would go as far as to say that that is the heart of God or whatever. Look, I absolutely believe in God. I would say that if I have to try to find an interpretation for people to understand at this point, it’s that I like the word “the Force.” I do believe that there’s a counter, destructive kind of an energy. What is important is that we want to still see God, even though people say that they don’t think of God as some old man with a beard and everything, that God is everywhere. It’s interesting because people, without realizing it, still want to define God down to a something. That’s how our brain works.


The truth is that I don’t see a purpose to that. What I would say is that this is an operational place that we can experience perfection. In a way, you could say it’s heaven delegated through these layers of things that are happening. It’s trying to make sure that they move in a certain way. There’s a law to this dance, if you will, that’s happening with these movements of light, which is really massive amounts of data for universes. In essence, it is a very beautiful, peaceful, powerful creative place and this is what’s transpiring there. To witness that as a whole is again, micro/macro. You’re moving out from a micro level to a macro level to witness this massive thing happening in front of you. That takes on a whole other level of interpretation and that’s what I think. I think it wants life, it wants to progress life, it is as curious and wondering as we are on a micro level and that is what that should be. That is what you should approach it as.

Nick: That’s great. Thank you. [42:57]


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